Sliding Window Flames

The sliding window method is a transformation algorithm that allows you to form a data set from the members of a time series, which can serve as a training set for building a forecasting model. In this case, a window means a time interval containing a set of values ​​that are used to form a training example. During the operation of the algorithm, the window is shifted along the time sequence by a unit of observation, and each position of the window forms one example. For example, if weekly sales data is received for 50 weeks and the window is set to 5 weeks, then in the first example, data from 1 to 5 weeks is used, and the target value will be data for the 6th week. In the second case, data from 2 to 6 weeks is used, and data from the 7th week is taken as the target value, etc. If it is required to build a forecast not for one observation unit, but for several, then the corresponding number of values ​​is selected as the target, which is called the forecast horizon. The number of observations of a series that are taken as input values ​​is called the forecast depth. Da Sliding Window Flames ta analysis platform. Free and no time limit Low-code platform for the implementation of all analytical processes: from data consolidation and preparation to modeling, deployment and visualization Articles, tutorials, presentations and updates of the Loginom platform - subscribe to our accounts: Home »Transport layer protocols TCP and UDP» Implementation of the sliding window method in the TCP protocol »Implementation of the sliding window method in the TCP protocol The sliding window algorithm in TCP has some significant features. In particular, in the considered generalized sliding window algorithm, the unit of transmitted data is a frame, and the window size is also determined in frames, while in the TCP protocol, the situation is completely different. During the negotiation process, the TCP modules of both parties involved in the exchange agree among themselves on the parameters of the data exchange procedure. Some of them remain constant throughout the entire communication session, others, depending, for example, on the traffic intensity and / or the size of the buffers, adaptively change. One of these parameters is the starting byte number from which the count will be carried out during the entire operation of this connection. Each side has its own starting number. Bytes are numbered within a segment starting from the header (Fig. 1). Rice. 1 Numbering of bytes in the TCP segment When the sender sends a TCP segment, it places in the sequential number field the first byte of that segment, which serves as the segment identifier. In fig. 2 shows four segments of 1460 bytes and one of 870 bytes. The identifiers of these segments are numbers 32600, 34060, 35520, etc. Based on these numbers, the receiver of a TCP segment not only distinguishes this segment from others, but also positions the received fragment relative to the total byte stream. In addition, it can infer, for example, that the received segment is a duplicate, or that data is missing between the two received segments, etc. Rice. 2. Serial number and number of the receipt As a receipt, the receiver of the segment sends a response message (segment), in the field of the confirmed number of which he puts a number that is one greater than the maximum byte number in the received segment. So, for the first sent segment, shown in Fig. 2, the receipt (confirmed number) will be the number 34060, for the second - 35520, etc. The confirmed number is often interpreted not only as a notification of successful delivery, but also as the number of the next expected data byte.
