
Mon-Fri: 9: 00-22: 00 Retail Stores " You will receive an attractive commission on every order! Veber binoculars are very popular because they are functional, reliable and affordable. The range of the company includes field models for hunters, small binoculars for tourists and travelers, waterproof optical devices for fishermen and fans of extreme sports. The entire current Weber assortment is presented in this section of our online store. There you can also read the reviews of Veber binoculars, namely, read the reviews of the owners. Reviews and reviews are published on a separate tab on the page of each binocular. The use of the material in its entirety for public publication on media and in any format is prohibited. Allowed to mention an article with an active link to the site The manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes to the price, model range and specifications, or to discontinue the production of the product without prior notice. Other articles about binoculars, monoculars and spotting scopes: Reprinting of any site  Binoculars materials without an active link is prohibited! "Four Eyes" © 2002-2021 This website is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is a public offer determined by the provisions of Article 437 (2) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. What kind of binoculars are not produced now! Walking into any optical equipment store, you will immediately see a variety of shelves filled with a variety of binoculars. Small, large, colored, mounted on a tripod, with unusual markings on the body. And the one you are looking for is hidden in this immense variety. How to find “your” binoculars? Which model is better and which is worse? Let's figure it out. If you need binoculars to solve specific problems and you consider yourself a rather demanding user, it is better to take your time with the choice. The ideal strategy in this case is to create your own binoculars rating. Compare different models with each other, evaluate their technical capabilities, read reviews and find out prices. And only after that make the final choice. The work is difficult, but it will pay off. You will know for sure that the money is well spent, and you will be able to get the most out of the observation. Comparison of binoculars should start with defining the range of tasks for which you need an optical device. If you are looking for compact walking binoculars, there is no point in looking for one among the oversized astronomical models. These are completely different spectra of observations, and the best astronomical binoculars will be the worst binoculars for touring. And vice versa. Depending on the tasks to be solved, the following types of binoculars can be conditionally distinguished: for hunting and fishing, tourist, astronomical, sea and children's. Binoculars for fishing and hunting are fast, powerful and waterproof sightseeing binoculars. It is used in open areas and in any weather must transmit a clear and detailed image. The best choice would be binoculars with objectives of 40-50 mm in diameter and 8-10x magnification. It is better to choose an enlightened optics in order to clearly distinguish details even at dusk or dawn. Pay attention to the field of view: the wider it is, the more area you can cover with one glance. This is important when observing the movement of wild animals. We also recommend stopping, if not waterproof and nitrogen-filled, then at least moisture-resistant models. They will work flawlessly in rain and snow. When choosing tourist binoculars, you should give preference to a light and small optical device. You don't want to walk around the city with a few extra pounds in your hands, do you? Even if its optics are not so perfect, usability is more important. Touring types of binoculars are models with magnification from 6 to 10 times and an aperture from 20 to 35 mm. Often these optical devices do not even have moisture protection, but this is not scary - you are unlikely to walk a lot down the street in a heavy downpour or snowstorm.


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