Clean Sesame Seeds 100g

What do a McDonald's cheeseburger, aromatic oriental halva, Japanese rolls, Mediterranean garlic pasta and massage oil have in common? They are united by a tiny sesame seed, which contains enormous benefits for all mankind. We will tell you how sesame is useful, how to choose it correctly and where to store it, what you can cook with it and other interesting facts. We can safely say that humanity began to use sesame seeds at the dawn of its existence. Sesame (aka koundjoud, kondžud, sesame and sim-sim) was mentioned in all ancient manuscripts - Assyrian, Chinese, Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian. As early as five thousand years BC, small seeds of white, black, red and yellow shades were used to make oil for lamps and massage, as well as a paste for cakes. The Assyrian gods, according to an old legend, loved to drink a glass or two of good sesame wine in honor of the creation of this noisy, amazing and beautiful world. Oriental beauties made their beautiful black eyes alluring and passionate by making an eyeliner from the burnt seeds of the plant. And in the tal Clean Sesame Seeds 100g e about the poor idiot Ali Baba and forty formidable robbers, the word "sim-sim" is used as a spell that opens the heavy doors of a mysterious cave filled to the brim with countless riches. The logic of the nameless creator of the magical story can be understood: when the sesame box ripens, it opens with a bang, arranging an enchanting fireworks from its seeds - this is how Mother Nature intended them to fly away, giving life to new annual plants. This is a tall plant - up to two or more meters! - blooms with very beautiful white flowers and exudes a delicate aroma. It grows in India, the countries of the Far East and Central Asia, in the Caucasus and Africa. Sesame is distinguished by its exceptional vitality - both prolonged drought and incessant rains do not care for him. It grows and pleases the eye. But growing sesame is a rather troublesome business: you gape a little, and the boxes are already ripe and have scattered valuable seeds throughout the district. Therefore, you have to constantly inspect the plants so as not to miss the moment of collection. The collection itself is done manually and with songs. The Hindus even have a special song of the sesame picker. The collected boxes are laid out under the sun's rays and gentle wind, so that they finally reach their condition without the risk of making a small noisy "boom". The color of the seeds depends on the type of plant (and there are dozens of them!) And the way the sesame is processed. The most popular are white and black seeds. However, the only difference between them is that the white ones are just black peeled from the husk. Along with the shell, however, most of the vitamins and nutrients are lost, which is why lately black sesame seeds have become a favorite in cooking and wellness. Oil with a characteristic aroma is squeezed out of black and white seeds by cold and hot methods. Light oil is easier and more understandable for the gastronomic perception - it is good to add it to salads and use it when stewing. Dark oil has a more intense and richer flavor; it is popular in Asian countries for frying and for making desserts. Tahina (or tahini) paste is made from white sesame seeds. It is very popular in Israel, Syria, Egypt and Greece. Halva and urbechi, sweet sauces and the legendary baba ganush based on baked eggplants, garlic, herbs and tomatoes are prepared from it. Why are these little seeds so fond of people? Besides the fact that they are delicious, they can be used to perfectly improve your health, following the example of the inhabitants of Babylon. They even believed that the road to immortality was generously strewn with sesame seeds. True, history has shown that they were slightly mistaken ... It is important to note that all the beneficial substances are contained only in raw seeds, and after frying or other heat treatment, sesame becomes just a tasty but useless seasoning. Half of one standard cup (85 grams of sesame seeds) contains: impressive amounts of phosphorus, zinc and selenium. This makes sesame seeds very beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief. It is good to give it to children and pregnant women, the elderly - especially those who do not eat dairy products. It is clear that it is not easy to eat so much sesame in its pure form, but you can sprinkle it on rice or vegetable dishes, salads or desserts. We all know that fiber is good for digestion (and not only), but s


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