Classic Clothing in Tanzania

Konstantin Prokopiev Blog author and African with 6 years of experience Home »Safari» Safari clothing - choosing the right one Safari clothing - choosing the right one Getting out on a safari is not going to the dacha for strawberries, here you can't do with shorts and slippers. Today we will deal with what you need to take with you, what a professional selection of clothes for a safari looks like and what is generally useful in Africa. Eight changes of clothes, three pairs of shoes, an umbrella, a suitcase with photographic equipment - you can't take all this with you at once ... you can't. More precisely, it’s not at all impossible: you just have to carry your entire wardrobe on yourself, acting as a “small draft animal”. Exception: you have a "base" - some kind of hotel in which you are not afraid to leave things (however, why then take them, if most of the time the bags will gather dust in the room?). Again, if you absolutely want to take three carriages of your favorite clothes with you, no one will stop you, but there is a nuance: for the duration of the safari, all this will go “on horseback” in  Classic Clothing in Tanzania a car, tightly tied to the roof. And because of this, the roof cannot be raised. What is the point in such a safari, when there is nothing to see properly? A set of essentials for a safari In general, keep your belongings within the required minimum so that everything fits into one small bag or backpack. You can't go wrong. Most of the trip you will be sitting, so when choosing clothes, rely on maximum comfort in a sitting position. Make sure that nothing cuts in anywhere: no large buttons, massive buckles, tightening elastic bands, etc. The best choice is soft natural fabrics: let's be closer to nature - and let's hope that she doesn't come close to us to reciprocate! With a high probability, you will have to leave early in the morning - at this time it can be unexpectedly cool, do not forget some kind of sweater (best of all - a jacket with a zipper) and trousers. It gets warmer - take it off. And you also need to take into account the time of year and the weather in the region: while in the north of Tanzania at noon it is barely 23 ° C, in the south it can be 35 ° C already in the morning.


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