Books & Games in Nigeria

Extreme Russia: surf or snowboard without a visa Review author: Aita Luzgina, Interium digital agency. Have you thought about how to read books correctly and do you know how to do it? I, I confess, no, and I read the book by accident (by agreement with a friend). To begin with, I will note that the book was written in the middle of the last century, and therefore it seems outdated and even pretentious. Speaking in the language of social networks, its author is “choking”. Adler seems rather boring, and you literally have to wade through his text. The first third of the book is reasoning and preparation for the basic rules of correct reading (forgive me for the tautology, but this is what it looks like) and references to great books that he considers necessary to read. I think that after a few such repetitions, even the most retarded person will realize that they cannot read properly. But, despite the presentation, I liked the book and found it very useful. I do not recommend reading it, but it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the basic approaches and rules. Here are the basic rules for readin Books & Games in Nigeria g practice books: Classify the book by type and subject; State its essence as succinctly as possible; Determine the main parts of the book, their order and relationship; Highlight the problem or problems that the author is seeking to solve Adler vehemently criticizes the education system and believes that schools and colleges do not teach reading at all. I don't quite agree with him, I think I was lucky with my education (I studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Political Science): the teachers sincerely tried to interest me in correct reading, meaningful and critical. Here are some quotes from the author about education: "In response to every illusion one gets in college, life is already preparing its own harsh lesson." “It was the school that made us like that - people who cannot read and get benefit and pleasure from it.”


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