Animal Nutrition vet wanted

A veterinarian is a specialist in the treatment and prevention of animal health. Nowadays, this profession, in addition to the direct treatment of animals, includes many different directions. By and large, the health of its citizens depends on how well the veterinary service is organized in the country. The fact is that she is constantly fighting against diseases that can pose a danger to people. Veterinarians control the quality of meat, milk, eggs and other products of animal origin at veterinary posts and stations, farms, in the departments of production and veterinary control at meat processing plants, at meat and dairy and food control stations, in veterinary laboratories. In the villages, all farm animals are under the constant supervision of this specialist, and he is responsible not only for their health, but also for the observance of zoo hygiene on farms, the sanitary condition of equipment, he sets the diet for livestock, vaccinates against infectious diseases, takes delivery. Products put on sale must undergo a veterinary and sanitary examination. In case o Animal Nutrition vet wanted f danger to consumers, the veterinarian has the right to confiscate and destroy any of them. Border and customs veterinary control is of particular importance in our time. All incoming food products must be strictly tested for the presence of harmful chemicals and poisons. Be sure to control all animals imported into the country and exported from it, which makes it possible to avoid the spread of epidemics. The veterinarian deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases of domestic, agricultural and game animals, animals in various entertainment establishments. He carries out preventive vaccinations to animals, identifies and treats sick animals, and conducts outpatient appointments. If the disease is not contagious, the doctor takes measures to identify the causes of the disease, seeks to change the diet, eliminate shortcomings in keeping animals, and improve their places of stay. In the event of infectious diseases, it establishes a strict regime that excludes contact of sick animals with healthy ones. Performs surgical operations on animals, including cosmetic ones. He is engaged in the organization and conduct of disinfection and deratization (destruction of mice and rats) in the premises of the livestock complex. Carries out control over the veterinary and hygienic condition in livestock buildings, pastures, watering holes. Carries out sanitary and epidemiological functions, is engaged in veterinary and sanitary control in the production and sale of livestock products, control of food products. Provides veterinary and sanitary supervision during the procurement and slaughter of animals. Checks the sanitary condition of places of trade in markets, bazaars, fairs, controls import and export operations with raw materials of animal origin. Veterinarians can work in such organizations and areas as: veterinary hospitals, laboratories at research institutes and universities, livestock enterprises, enterprises for processing livestock products (meat processing plants, poultry farms), fur farms, circuses, menageries, nurseries, food markets, enterprises catering, customs, sanitary and epidemiological stations, cold storage facilities. Representatives of this profession can specialize in the treatment of various types of animals, deal with both domestic and farm animals, and develop in the field of inspection and control. A person with the profession of a veterinarian can master related specializations, such as: a sanitary doctor, a zoologist, a pet breeder, a dog handler. Also, a veterinarian can engage in research activities, can write Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations, highlight a new problem in the scientific world of veterinary medicine. The profession of a veterinarian can also imply an entrepreneurial path of development. In this case, a person can start doing their own business, open a private clinic, pharmacy, pet store, or simply work on customer orders with home visits. The profession of a veterinarian is associated with love for animals, such qualities as responsibility, observation, accuracy, purposefulness, broad knowledge of animal behavior and its connection with the symptoms of a particular disease are important in it. The peculiarities of the work of a veterinarian are the increased requirements for a high level of medical education and the ability to "understand" animals, which in combination helps to fight animal diseases much more e


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